Fort George

Port of Spain

Copyright: Grueslayer/cc by-sa 4.0/wikimedia

Fort George

Built on the hills north of St James in 1804, Fort George served as a defensive measure against the Napoleonic fleet. Nowadays, this historical landmark provides a panoramic view of Port of Spain and the Gulf of Paria. It takes about an hour and half to reach the top on foot. This effort, however, is worthwhile as you will be rewarded with the gorgeous view of the city. Visitors can also see the original cannons, dungeons, and artefacts from the era while touring the well-preserved structure of Fort George.

Do & See

Port of Spain is a thriving, major city in the Caribbean. Its tall buildings, busy streets, and bright lights, might make you think it is similar to many other cities, however, Port of Spain has a unique Caribbean flair. The city boasts a range of activities such as cricket and football matches, shopping centres, an art and history museum, historic landmarks and of course, the Trinidad Carnival in Easter. What is also worth checking out during your visit to Port of Spain is Calypso music, an Afro-Caribbean musical tradition that emerged in Trinidad and Tobago. There are many bars and clubs in the city where it is possible to experience Trinidad's Calypso music. There are several stunning beaches in the region, ranging from the ones most frequented by visitors on day trips from Port of Spain to peaceful and secluded spots, which are preferred by the locals.